Masana Design

古今東西より日本に伝わる様々な文学、歴史、文様、様式美、四季折々の自然美といった伝統的美意識 をインスピレーションの源泉としています。それらに、私たち独自の解釈を融合させることで、現代に通じるデザインに昇華していきます。

We are inspired by literature, history, patterns, stylistic beauty, and traditional aesthetics such as natural beauty of the four seasons, which have been passed on from generation to generation all throughout Japan. We merge these inspirations with our original interpretations to create designs that match modern life.



A Chinese bellflower is a perennial plant of the genus Platycodon. It is written in the Man-yoshu as one of the seven autumnal flowers. The language of its flower is “Eternal love”. It is the motif used in [MASANA]’s “Bellflower” collection.


The lead is heart shaped, and is known as the model of the Tokugawa house symbol, Aoi no gomon.In [MASANA], this Asarum caulescens Maxim is used as the motif of “Aoi”, the collection that is ispired by “Aoi no ue”, the lady that appears in one of the oldest long-novels in the world, “Genji Monogatari” that was written in the Heian period by Murasaki Shikibu.


The wisteria flower is a woody vine of the fabaceae wisteria. The wisteria flower is the image of the “Eternal lady” Fujitsubo princess that appears in one of the oldest long-novels in the world, “Genji Monogatari” that was written in the Heian period by Murasaki Shikibu, and for a long time it has been used as a metaphor for women in Japan. Its gracefully dangling figure resembles an attractive lady in a long-sleeved kimono. The Jewelry made at [MASANA] is for “Elegant, gentle and passionate ladies” that resemble such wisteria flowers.