

Provide products with a stable quality


Deliver carefully-crafted products


Made in our company’s workshop in Japan


The future of Made-in-Japan manufacturing





Masana QUALITY:クラフトマンシップ


Tokyo’s Taito Ward is known as the center of Japan's jewelry industry. Here, artisan jewelers, as well as designers and producers of leather goods, hats, bags, shoes, and other items are deeply rooted in the mindset of adopting new cultures and ideas to create novel products.
Based on the extensive experience of producing jewelry in Taito Ward and the aspiration to keep conserving the “delicate aesthetics that have been brought together based on Japanese spirit” as the source of our production activities, we will keep on materializing present-day beauty in the form of each product together with the artisans.

Provide products with a stable quality


Masana QUALITY:確固たる品質を提供する


Unlike other jewelry brands, to maintain the quality of MASANA jewelry, each artisan who is involved in the prototype production, casting, finishing, stone setting, and other processes for each product, including our company’s workshop, is selected directly by us and is carefully examined for technical suitability. We are making each product using the best technology, which is also used to process first-class brands, with skillful artisans who possess the utmost passion and pride in jewelry production.
Also, we can offer top-quality products at reasonable prices because the artisans produce their works directly at our workshop without going through an intermediary producer.

Deliver carefully-crafted products


Masana QUALITY:丁寧なものづくりを届ける1
Masana QUALITY:丁寧なものづくりを届ける2
Masana QUALITY:丁寧なものづくりを届ける3
Masana QUALITY:丁寧なものづくりを届ける4


MASANA’s jewelry products have many artistic forms and shapes, making them unsuitable for mass production.To ensure the beauty and charm of the design expression and the person wearing it, and to guarantee comfort, the prototype (original type) of each product is built following repeated revisions and design refinements.Then, we cast high-quality jewelry based on the prototype and carefully perform the finishing work until each product possesses the full details and beauty.We do this based on our belief that added value can only be born from a careful and non-compromising production.
We do not aim for an efficient mass-production method, and we believe that it takes time for each product to reach perfection. Our production method produces “slow fashion”, everlasting products that do not get old.

Made in our company’s workshop in Japan


Masana QUALITY:自社工房とメイドインジャパンへのこだわり


The need of our own workshop
As a wholesale business specializing in the production of precious metals, we established a workshop in our office in Taito Ward, Tokyo, since the company was founded in 2011.
In our workshop, we mainly perform prototype production and finishing, brazing, stone setting, and other processes. We confirm the quality of each process done in each part of the workshop, including casting, partial stone setting, and other special techniques together with our skilled artisans.We believe that collaboration between designers and artisans is indispensable to craft the best-quality jewelry carefully, and the existence of our own workshop is the most critical foundation for our brand.

Masana QUALITY:お届けしたジュエリーへの責任1
Masana QUALITY:お届けしたジュエリーへの責任2
Masana QUALITY:お届けしたジュエリーへの責任3
Masana QUALITY:お届けしたジュエリーへの責任4


Responsibility on the delivered jewelry
The production of our jewelry is only done at our own workshop by leading Japanese artisans who possess unique skills. Our Made-in-Japan approach is not just for crafting our products but also in how we maintain each jewelry item that has been delivered to our esteemed customers all over the world and how we, as a brand, take lifelong responsibility for each piece.

The future of Made-in-Japan manufacturing



しかし、現在、ジュエリー業界の市場はピーク時の1991年に比べこの30年間で3分の1に市場が縮小し、ジュエリーを作る工場、工房、そこに所属する職人が持つ技術や意匠を、このままでは後世に継承するこ とが困難になってきました。この問題は、この30年間でメーカーがコストの低い海外生産にシフトしたことによる国産比率の減少、人口動態の変化、そして、モノがあふれていることによる消費者の購買行動の変化などが要因ですが、ただ、これはジュエリー業界に限ったことではありません。

There are many world-class jewelers in Japan.
However, the jewelry industry market has been shrinking in the past 30 years and is now only at a third of its peak size in 1991. It has been challenging for factories, workshops, and the artisans working in them to pass on their techniques and designs in jewelry production. Such problems are not limited to the jewelry industry and are caused by various factors, such as the decline in domestic jewelry production due to the shifting of production to overseas due to cheaper costs, changes of population dynamics, and changes in consumer’s purchasing behavior due to the overflow of materials.
To solve such a serious problem, we strive to develop and implement an integrated production system to ensure our customer’s “happiness in purchasing”, “happiness in wearing”, “happiness due to the inner beauty from wearing the jewelry”, as well as our “happiness in producing”, and “happiness in selling”.